ontrack WBL Field Mappings
The field data and the mapping of ebs fields for ontrack WBL are described in the following:

The data shared between ontrack WBL and ebs during the learner search process is described in the following table.
ontrack WBL Table | ontrack WBL Search Field | ontrack WBL Search Field Display Name | ebs Table | ebs Search Field |
Trainee | Firstname | First Name | People | Forename |
Trainee | Lastname | Last Name | People | Surname |
Trainee | Ninumber | NI Number | People | Ni_Number |
Trainee | Postcode | Post Code | People | UK_Postcode |
Trainee | DOB | Date of Birth | People | Date_Of_Birth |
Trainee | Gender | Gender | People | Sex |
Trainee | Person_Code | Person Code | People | Person_Code |
N/A | N/A |
Unit Instance Code If this field is used as part of the learner search, the system will use the Learner Search with the Enrolment endpoint. |
Ebs_Learner_Enrolments_Search | Fes_Unit_Instance_Code |
N/A | N/A |
Occurrence Code If this field is used as part of the learner search, the system will use the Learner Search with the Enrolment endpoint. |
Ebs_Learner_Enrolments_Search | Calocc_Occurrence_Code |

The data shared between ontrack WBL and ebs during the organisation search process is described in the following table.
ontrack WBL Table | ontrack WBL Search Field | ontrack WBL Search Field Display Name | ebs Table | ebs Search Field |
Employer | Employername | Employer Name | Organisation_Units | Fes_Full_Name |
Employer | Branchname | Branch Name |
N/A ontrack WBL database search only. |
N/A ontrack WBL database search only. |
Employer | Employerid | Employer Id |
N/A ontrack WBL database search only. |
N/A ontrack WBL database search only. |
Employer | Employerref | Employer Ref | Organisation_Units | Employerref |
Employer | Ebs_Organisation_Type | Organisation type | Organisation_Units | Ebs_Organisation_Type |
Employersite | Postcode | Postcode |
N/A ontrack WBL database search only. |
N/A ontrack WBL database search only. |

The data shared between ontrack WBL and ebs during the staff search process is described in the following table.
ontrack WBL Table | ontrack WBL Search Field | ontrack WBL Search Field Display Name | ebs Table | ebs Search Field |
Assessor | Lastname | Last name | People | Forename |
Assessor | Firstname | First name | People | Surname |
Assessor | Person_code | Person code | People | Person_code |

The data shared between ontrack WBL and ebs during the module search process is described in the following table.
ontrack WBL Table | ontrack WBL Search Field | ontrack WBL Search Field Display Name | ebs Table | ebs Search Field |
Module | Modtitle | Module Title |
N/A ontrack WBL database search only. |
N/A ontrack WBL database search only. |
Module | Modcode | Modcode |
N/A ontrack WBL database search only. |
N/A ontrack WBL database search only. |
Module | Nvqref | Nvq Reference |
N/A ontrack WBL database search only. |
N/A ontrack WBL database search only. |

The data shared between ontrack WBL and ebs during the add from ebs search option is described in the following table.
ontrack WBL Table | ontrack WBL Search Field | ontrack WBL Search Field Display Name | ebs Table | ebs Search Field |
Module | Ebs_id | Ebs id | Course_Assessments | Ebs_id |
Module | Nvqref | Assessment code | Course_Assessments | Assessment_Code |
Module | Modtitle | Description | Course_Assessments | Description |